El Correo

El Correo is the short name of the regional newspaper El Correo - El Pueblo Vasco. El Correo belongs to the media group Vocento and has a daily circulation of 90 377 copies, the most important newspaper in the northern Spanish provinces of Biscay and Álava in the Basque Country. The newspaper is basically Spanish speaking, but also has individual articles as well as side dishes in Basque. In Biscay, the sheet is placed in six regional editions and addition to the issue of Álava, there are other regional editions with limited circulation for Gipuzkoa, Miranda de Ebro and La Rioja.

El Correo is since 1938 under the name El Correo - El Pueblo Vasco 's successor in 1910, founded and 1936 set in the Spanish Civil War newspaper El Pueblo Vasco, which in 1937 was briefly continued as El Correo Español. In the following years, El Correo acquired the competition leaves El Noticiero Bilbaíno (1939) and Diario Vasco (1945 ). In 1984, the Diario Montanes the city of Santander.

2001, the group merged with Correo Prensa Española media group Vocento, which also publishes the national daily newspaper ABC.
