Eleutherococcus senticosus

Bristly Siberian ginseng ( Eleutherococcus senticosus ), fruits.

The Bristly Siberian ginseng ( Eleutherococcus senticosus, Syn: .. . Hedera senticosa Rupr & Maxim ( basionym ), Acanthopanax senticosus ( Rupr. & Maxim ) Harms ), also called short Siberian ginseng, Devil Busch, Stachelpanax, Siberian ginseng, eleutherococcus, is a plant of the family Araliaceae ( Araliaceae ).


The Bristly Siberian ginseng is native to Siberia, the Amur region, on the island of Sakhalin, in Japan ( on the island of Hokkaido ), North Korea, in northeastern China ( in the provinces of Hebei, Shanxi, and in Manchuria, these are the provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning ).


The Bristly Siberian ginseng is a deciduous shrub that can reach the stature heights of 2 to 7 m. He is only slightly branched, and its branches have small spines. The long -stalked leaves are divided palmate; the stalked leaves are oval and toothed.

Are formed doldige inflorescences. The small, radial symmetry, hermaphrodite flowers are yellow. The aromatic fruits are blue to black. The type flowers in July and is pollinated by insects.


The ( dried ) leaves are used to pouring for a tea. In the energy drink "Rockstar" extracts are used in small quantities. The root of the plant (Radix Eleutherococci ) is used as a drug.


A mixture of many substances called eleutherosides that contains broken following substances: lignans as eleutheroside B4 ( sesamin ) and eleutheroside E ( Liriodendrin ); Phenylpropanoids as coniferin and eleutheroside B ( Syringin or chlorogenic acid ); Coumarins as eleutheroside B1 ( Isofraxidin ); Triterpene saponins which have been identified as eleutherosides I to M, as well as the sterol eleutheroside A ( β - sisterol ) and neutral glucans ( eleutheroside C - oligosaccharides); β -carotene, vanillin, and vitamin E.


The Siberian ginseng has a tonic, stimulant, immune stimulating, anti -viral and lowering blood sugar. It is considered adaptogenic medicinal plant.


According to Russian studies in the 1950s, it aims to improve stamina, concentration, adaptability and resilience.
