Elías Regules

Elías Regules ( born March 21, 1861 in Montevideo, † November 4, 1929 ibid or November 6, 1929 ) was a Uruguayan physician, politician and writer.

Regules was born as the son of Elias Regules López de los Ríos and Manuela López Uriarte de los Ríos in the house of the grandparents Juan Risso and Polonia Uriarte López de los Ríos in the " Calle Convención ". The two originating from Rocha parents who actually lived in Durazno, where they had land in the area around Arroyo Malbajar near the present city Sarandi del Yi, were maternal cousin or cousin. 1879 completed his education with a diploma ( bachillerato ). Regules took 1881 studying medicine on which he successfully completed on September 2, 1883 with the title of surgeon's ( médico- cirujano ). Since March 12, 1885, he was Professor of Medicine. On March 17, the same year he was appointed Vice - Dean of the Medical Faculty of the Universidad de la República. A little later, on 11 April 1885 he married Statira Molins Acosta y Lara. From the compound originate from the six children Blanca, Elías, Tabaré, Sarandi, Selva and América. On June 23, 1888, he moved an interim basis on behalf of Pedro Visca to the Dean of the Faculty. He had then finally held since August 2, 1889 to the year 1897 this office. In that phase of life was including in April 1894 his second play " Los Guachitos ". On May 25 1894 he founded together with a group of friends the Sociedad Criolla, the first of which he was president at the same time. Together, among others, Javier de Viana, Antonio and Juan Lussich Escayola he was involved in the publication El Fogon.

He holds a doctorate Regules, a member of the Partido Constitucional, was founded in the February 1898 Council of State, and had then as a representative of the Department of Rocha in the 20th legislative period from 15 February 1899 to 14 February 1902 Titularmandat as a deputy in the Cámara de Representantes held. The him in the Parliament's official database also ascribed chamber memberships for the department of Durazno in the 10th ( February 15, 1868 to 17 May 1869) and 11th (May 7, 1875 to February 14, 1876 ) legislature are obviously - because of this in the conflicting survival data - assign another name same mandate. Regules, who lived on his " La Margarita" said Chacra in Peñarol, finally exercised from 1 November 1922 to 1928, the Office of the Rector of the Universidad de la República out. For the 1946 introduced by law annual " Día de la Tradición " (Day of the tradition), the birthday was Regules ' is selected. On July 31, 2013 was the renaming of the former as " Brigadier General Venancio Flores " designated bridge at km 273 of the Ruta 14 over the Arroyo Malbajar on the name " Dr. Elías Regules " the subject of a debate initiated by the deputies Carmelo vidalin legislative initiative within the parliamentary session.

Period of his membership of Parliament

Works (selection)
