Émile Borel

Félix Édouard Justin Émile Borel ( born January 7, 1871 in Saint- Affrique, Aveyron, Midi-Pyrénées region, † February 3, 1956 in Paris) was a French mathematician and politician.

Life and work

Émile Borel studied at the École Normale Supérieure in 1893 ( at age 22 ) as Maître de Conférences appointed to the University of Lille and changed in 1896 at the École Normale Supérieure. In 1909 he also received a specially set up for him Chair of function theory at the Sorbonne; 1910-20 he was director of the École Normale. In 1926 he was the founding director of the Institut Henri Poincaré. In 1921 he was admitted to the Académie des Sciences, the 1934 elected him president. Already in 1918 he had been appointed foreign member of the Accademia dei Lincei in Rome. In 1928 he gave a plenary lecture at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Bologna (Le calcul of the probabilites et les sciences exactes ) as well as in 1912 in Cambridge ( définition et domaine d'existence des fonctions monogènes uniform ).

Borel was mayor of his home town of Saint- Affrique. From 1924 to 1936, Borel member of the French Chamber of Deputies, in 1925 briefly Minister of the Navy. After a short detention period under the Vichy regime, he worked for the Resistance.

Borel made ​​fundamental contributions to topology, to measure, probability, functions and game theory.


  • Le Hasard. 1913
  • L' espace et le temps. 1921 ( German time and space. From Euclid to Einstein, Stuttgart 1931)
  • Traité du calcul de probabilité et ses applications.1924 - 1934
  • Les paradoxes de l' infini. 1946 (for non -teaching readers )
  • La science est - elle responsable de la crise mondiale, Scientia: rivista internazionale di sintesi scientifica, 51, 1932, pp. 99-106.
  • La science dans une société Socialiste. In: Scientia: rivista internazionale di sintesi scientifica, 31, 1922, pp. 223-228.
  • Le continu mathematique et le continu physique, Rivista di scienza, 6, 1909, pp. 21-35.


According to Émile Borel Rue Borel and Borel Square ( 17tes Arrondissement ) and are named the crater on the Moon and the asteroid 16065 Borel Borel in Paris.

In mathematics, are named after him:

  • Borel measure, Borel σ - algebra and Borel space in the measure theory
  • Borel paradox
  • Set of Heine- Borel
  • Borel - Cantelli lemma
  • Borel exceptional value in the value distribution theory

Also named after him are:

  • The Centre Émile Borel in Paris; there the Institute Henri Poincaré is housed
  • A lecture hall at the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse
  • The Centre Hospitalier Emile Borel in Saint Affrique