Étienne Ghys

Étienne Ghys ( born December 29, 1954 in Lille ) is a French mathematician.


Ghys studied from 1974 to 1978 at the École supérieure normal in Saint- Cloud. In 1975, he received his license in mathematics at the University of Paris-Sud in Orsay. In 1977 he received his Agrégation and 1979 his diploma ( thesis you Troisieme Cycle) at the University of Lille, where he researched it and his habilitation in 1986. From 1974 he was a researcher at the CNRS. 1979 to 1981 he was at the Research Institute of Mathematics IMPA in Rio de Janeiro. 1982/83 he was Assistant Professor at the City University of New York. He is since 1988 Director of Research at CNRS Unité de Mathématiques et pure appliquées ( UMPA ) of the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, the director from 1998 to 2002.

He is married and has two children.

Work and awards

Ghys dealt among other things with geometry, topology and dynamical systems, in particular of complex dynamics.

By the year 2010 was Ghys editor of the Publications Mathématiques de l' IHES. He is co -author of the computer graphics film Dimensions - une promenade mathématique, where he is responsible for the mathematical background and the scenario.

In 1991 he received the Silver Medal of the CNRS. Since 1994 he has been a corresponding member since 2004 and member of the French Academy of Sciences, whose Prix Servant he received in 1990. Since 2002 he is also a foreign member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. On the ICM in Madrid in 2006, he gave a plenary lecture on Knots and Dynamics and 1990, he was invited speaker at the ICM in Kyoto (Le cercle des surfaces al'infini a Courbure negative ).
