Etna (river)

The river Etna

The Etna is a river in Norway, in the high moors between Skaget and Marsteinhøgda ( municipality Øystre Slidre in the province (county ) Oppland ) arises, for the most part flows through the eponymous municipality Etnedal, at Dokka ( municipality Nordre land) by Dokka flows together to lead as Dokka -Etna in Randsfjorden.


Along the river there are two bridges that require special attention. The Lunde bru bru and the Høljeraast. Lunde bru is Northern Europe's longest stone arch bridge; near the Høljerast bru are war memorials from World War II.

Three kilometers south of the Møllerstufossen ( waterfall ) are famous rock carvings from the Neolithic Age ( in Norwegian called Helleristninger ).


After the Etna has passed through the Etnsenn and Kalvefjord, come to another, usually smaller streams.
