Exploration of Mars#Timeline of Mars exploration

In this list, in chronological order all the space probes that were launched with the aim to reach the planet Mars. In this case, the space probes are called, who have not reached their destination because of malfunction or other reasons; Probes with pure false starts are bracketed. Some started and failed by the Soviet Union Mars missions were (in the case of reaching the Earth's orbit ) satellite called Sputnik, and received or cosmos deck name. The probes, which did not even reach orbit, received no official name. They therefore carry awarded by international experts designations such as Mars 1960A.

The degree of success is highlighted in the following colors:


From 1960 to the end of 2012 41 space probes have been to Mars sent ( Zond 3, Rosetta and Dawn not counted), of which 19 were Soviet / Russian, 19 American, a European, a Japanese and a Chinese ( piggyback payload of the Russian Mars probe Fobos -Grunt ). Of these, only 15 successfully - 13 American, one Soviet (Mars 5) and a European (Mars Express). The remaining emissions were either only partial success (eg Fobos 2) or complete failures (eg, Beagle 2, the Mars Polar Lander, Mars Observer, Mars 96, Fobos -Grunt ). Some of the starters in the 1960 's and 1970 probes did not even reach orbit, but this was due to the then lack of reliability of the launchers.
