Felix and Adauctus

Felix and Adauctus († 303? Rome? ) Are two always together called early church martyrs whose worship goes far back, but on the historically reliable sources are missing. Your feast day is August 30.


The legend of the two martyrs met first in the Martyrology Ados of Vienne from the 9th century. Thus, the Roman priest Felix was on the orders of the prefect Dracus - the not historically verifiable - brought to the temples of the gods Serapis, Mercury and Diana, in order to sacrifice them. However, when he prayed to Christ, fell the statues from their pedestals and were broken in pieces on the ground. Then he was led to execution. On the way a man joined him, who declared himself a Christian and Felix suffered martyrdom. He gave the Christians later named Adauctus ( " the addition Come Out" ).


The names of the martyrs Felix and Adauctus contained in the St. Gregory the Great ascribed Sacramentary. Your old Holy Sepulchre on the Via Ostiensis no longer exists, but was excavated archaeologically. Leo IV is around 850 Ermengarde, wife of Lothar I, relics of the two martyrs who gave the order for the monastery in Alsace Eschau endowed; they came in 1361 in St. Stephen's Cathedral. Also Anjou, Cologne and Andechs Monastery claim ownership of Felix- and - Adauctus relics.

Pictures of Felix and Adauctus
