Fernández Alonso

Fernández Alonso is a small town in the department of Santa Cruz in the South American Andes State of Bolivia.

Location in near space

Fernández Alonso is the central place of the district ( bolivian: Municipio) Fernández Alonso and is located in the province Obispo Santistevan at an altitude of 243 m in the wetland area between the rivers Rio Pirai and Rio Grande. The municipality Fernández Alonso with about 13,000 inhabitants, is the colonization area and is used for intensive agriculture.


Fernández Alonso is in the tropical humid climate of the eastern edge of the Andes mountain range of the Cordillera Oriental. The region has been developed only in recent decades and was covered before colonization by subtropical rainforest, but today it is mostly cultivated land.

The mean average temperature of the region is close to 25 ° C (see climate chart San Pedro), the monthly values ​​vary between 21 ° C in June / July and 26 to 27 ° C from October to March. The annual rainfall is nearly 1500 mm, the monthly rainfall are productive and are between 50 mm and 250 mm in July in January.

Traffic network

Fernández Alonso is at a distance of 109 kilometers of road north of Santa Cruz, the capital of the department.

From the center of Santa Cruz leads the paved highway Ruta 4 over 57 kilometers to the north to Montero, from there a regional road in a northeasterly direction over 52 kilometers above General Saavedra and Mineros by Fernández Alonso and on to San Pedro and Hardeman.


The population of the town has risen in the past two decades to nearly double, but has been stagnant for several years:

Because of the 1960s funded by the immigration policy indigenous people from the Altiplano, it presents a significant proportion of Quechua population in the municipality of Alonso Fernández 52.0 % of the population speak the Quechua language.
