Finite verb

As a finite verb form ( antonym: Infinite verb form ) is called the grammatical form of a verb that expresses all the grammatical categories of the verb, in particular person, number, tense, gender and verbi mode.

In the following example sentence is the verb " go " marked as second person singular present indicative:

An independent law contains in German as in most Indo-European languages ​​at least one finite verb can occur in addition to the one or more infinite verb forms. For example, compound tenses such as perfect, past perfect, future I and II in German are regularly formed by a finite auxiliary verb and an infinite verb.

The finite verb in German is subject to special rules drawn, as the German main clause has the form of a Verbzweitsatzes. Thus the finite verb of the infinite Verbteilen in the same sentence appears separately, such as in the following sentence:

Here, " has " the finite, " called " the ( only ) infinite verb part; both are separated from each other and close the rest of the sentence (in the so-called Midfield). Thus, for the declarative sentence and complement interrogative sentence (W- interrogative sentence ) concluded characteristic sentence bracket.
