
Mensa Select 1999

Zombie Fluxx: Origins Award: Traditional Card Game 2007

Fluxx is a card game that is played with a set of 100 specially- designed cards.

The most important feature of Fluxx is the fact that the rules are constantly changing through the cards played during the game. The game starts with a basic rule that each player draws a card and then plays off a. By playing out of control charts, these rules may be changed at any time and extended. There are also action cards that allow the player unique actions such as stealing cards or removing rules. At the beginning of the game, there are no fixed destination; this is determined by the play of a card at Target in the game and can also be changed again. Include most of the objectives that the player with a particular combination of collectors, who else in the game virtually no effect. However bum can prevent him from winning. In the game, some blank cards are included, which can be filled with the ideas of the players.

Fluxx was designed and first published by Looney Labs in 1996. The game was successful, and a year later at Iron Crown Enterprises ( ICE) licensed for further dissemination. Following the bankruptcy of ICE again two years later took over Looney Labs editing and distribution. In 2002, Looney Labs produced a revised edition of the original game. The German games publisher Amigo was from 2003, a German edition in license out. After the game some time was not available, it has been published since 2011 by Pegasus Games in a revised version with 100 instead of 84 cards, new cards is the group of bums. Also a variant with zombies as a theme, Zombie Fluxx is published by Pegasus. The two games are independent, they can be combined however.

From LooneyLabs some more variants have appeared of Fluxx, including Cthulhu Fluxx, Fluxx Oz, Star Fluxx, Pirate Fluxx, Monty Python Fluxx, Martian Fluxx, Family Fluxx and EcoFluxx. These games have not yet been published in German.
