Formatting Objects Processor

The Formatting Objects Processor (abbreviated FOP) is a Java implementation of the Apache Software Foundation, which created from XSL -FO layout descriptions different output formats.

FOP supports primarily the issue as a PDF. Other output formats are Java2D/AWT, AFP, PCL, MIF, PS, RTF, TIFF, PNG, SVG, and TXT. An immediate output to a printer, and an XML output of the internal structure of the tree are also possible.

FOP is part of Apache Batik next project XML Graphics.


Many of the imported XSL -FO 1.1 innovations such as table markers, indexes, text flow mappings (flow -map ) are not implemented in FOP. Some features of XSL -FO, such as the automatic layout of tables and elements outside the normal text flow ( floats ) are also not supported.
