
59.90031310.623865Koordinaten: 59 ° 54 '1 " N, 10 ° 37' 26" E

Fornebu is a peninsula between Lysaker and Snarøya in the municipality of Bærum in Norway.

At Fornebu also borders the Lysakerfjorden and Holtekilen Fjord, while the Snarøya peninsula lies south of it. In the north of the peninsula, the listed Fonebu mansion is located ( Fornebu Hovedgård ).

The name Fornebu is etymologically composed of the Norwegian male name Forni ( the old man ) and the word búð from the Old Norse, which means booth or easier domicile or residence means.

Due to its proximity to Oslo is an industrially heavily-used area. Even after the closure of the town is home to Oslo Airport Fornebu major airlines have their headquarters at Fornebu.

The Fornebu peninsula is now used primarily as a residential settlement and as an industrial and commercial area. After closure of the airport, a major project was launched for settlement of companies of information technology and telecommunications. As the largest company Telenor has their headquarters here Football Banquet Hall Telenor Arena, in the Euro Vision Song Contest 2010 took place is also located at Fornebu.
