Fort Laramie (Wyoming)

Goshen County


Fort Laramie is a town in Goshen County, in eastern Wyoming in the United States. Cheyenne is located about 120 kilometers south of the city about 135 kilometers southwest of Laramie and Casper, about 165 kilometers northwest of Fort Laramie.


The name of the city as well as the support point Army Fort Laramie comes from Jacques La Ramee, a French-Canadian fur trader and mountain man. La Ramee lived in the 1820s in the area and died on later also named after him Laramie River, near the town of Fort Laramie.


According to a survey by the United States Census Bureau from the year 2007 233 people, 111 men and 122 women living in Fort Laramie in 119 households.


About 3 kilometers southwest of the city lies the historic Fort Laramie, an approximately 1830 built military fortifications, as the Fort Laramie National Historic Site today ( 42.2036 N; 104.557 W) is 42.203602-104.5570651300 managed by the National Park Service.

The Laramie River flows near the city in the North Platte River.
