Fort Liard

Fort Liard ( Slavey: Echaot'l Koe " people from the land of the giants " ) is a hamlet in the Dehcho region of the Northwest Territories, Canada. It is located 37 km north of the border to British Columbia at the mouth of the Petitot River in the Liard River. Since 1984, the hamlet on the Liard Highway ( Northwest Territories Highway 7 and British Columbia Highway 77 ) is attached. 583 inhabitants live according to the census of 2006 in Fort Liard. The majority of them belongs to the First Nations. The Dene population is represented by the Acho Dene Koe band and the Métis by Fort Liard Metis Local 67. Both groups belong to the Dehcho First Nations.

In Fort Liard, there are two shops, the "Echo Dene School " with 150 students, a nursing home, a Royal Canadian Mounted Police department and a recreation center ( swimming pool, skating court, a youth center and multi -purpose field ). There is a fuel business, gas, diesel, propane and emergency kits sold. There is also a shop that sells traditional handicrafts.

