Fraccionamiento Camino Maldonado

Fraccionamiento Camino Maldonado on the map of Uruguay

Fraccionamiento Camino Maldonado is a town in Uruguay.


It is located in the southwest of the department of Canelones in the sector 16 and sector 37 The settlement area is divided into two parts, one of which is to the west, the other to the town Barros Blancos lies to the east. In the eastern part sections forms the Arroyo Frasquito the northern city limits. East Fraccionamiento Camino Maldonado is applied to Pando. In the western part, which connects to the area of the department of Montevideo, the Arroyo de Toledo serves as a natural boundary to the west.


The population of Fraccionamiento Camino Maldonado is 15,057 (as of 2004).

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay


By Fraccionamiento Camino Maldonado leads the Ruta 8
