Franciszek Karpiński

Franciszek Karpiński ( born October 4, 1741 Hołosków; † September 16, 1825 in Chorowszczyzna ) was a Polish poet and playwright.

Karpiński attended from 1750 to 1758 the Jesuit College in Stanislawow. A study at the University Lvov he graduated in 1865 with a Bachelor of Theology and Doctor of Philosophy from. After graduating, he traveled for a year to Vienna, where he perfected his knowledge of foreign languages ​​and biology lectures heard.

After his return Karpiński lived as a landowner in the country and wrote religious, patriotic, and especially love poems. His first book of poems Zabawki wierszem, which he dedicated to Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski, earned him an invitation to Warsaw. Here he met the poets within the Czartoryski family know, and staying in Warsaw did much for his reputation as a poet. It originated here in quick succession over the next three volumes of his Zabawki wierszem i proza ​​, in addition to poems theoretical writings on sentimentalistischen poetry as well as translations of works by Jacques Delilles ( Gardens ), William Chambers' (A Letter about Chinese Gardens ) and Caius Pliny (A Letter about the Gardens of the Ancient Romans ) contained. In further to 1787 of a total of seven published volumes, he published a translation of the Book of Psalms.

In the later years he lived again as a landowner in the country and worked as an educator in noble families. He was a member of the Warsaw Society of Friends of Science, but refused all honorary offices always offered from. Towards the end of his life he acquired a property in Chorowszczyzna.

In addition to his poems Karpiński also wrote idylls (Laura i Filon ), a drama and a comedy as well as memoirs, which appeared posthumously in 1844. Permanent importance his religious poems are ( Pieśni nabożne ). Adam Mickiewicz compared in his Paris lectures on Slavic literature Karpiński with Goethe.


  • Wirtualna Biblioteka Literatury Polskiej - Franciszek Karpiński.
  • The Great Soviet Encyclopedia - Karpiński, Franciszek.
  • Polski na 5 - Franciszek Karpiński.
  • Franciszek Karpiński - życiorys.