Franco Indovina

Franco Indovina (* 1932 in Palermo, † May 4, 1972 in Punta Raisi ) was an Italian film director and screenwriter.


Indovina interested in early for the theater and worked under Giorgio Strehler and Luchino Visconti. From 1960 on, he was assistant director of Michelangelo Antonioni and Others and debuted in 1964 as director of an episode of I tre volti. When filming, he met in 1964 the divorced wife of the Shah of Persia Princess Soraya, with whom he was associated until his death.

1965 followed by the first full-length film, the comedy ménage all'italiana with Ugo Tognazzi and a series of popular actresses. Later he turned with Tre nel mille a kind of intellectual version of Brancaleone, which was shown in an extended version on television. With the marriage drama Giuochi particolari ended his career.

Indovina died in the plane crash of Alitalia flight 112 in his native Sicily.

Filmography (selection)
