Free Democratic Party (GDR)

The Free Democratic Party of the GDR ( FDP) was created in the GDR in the wake of political change Liberal Party. The founding declaration was on November 25, 1989 in Berlin. The party should be an alternative to the block party the Liberal Democratic Party.

On 4 February 1990, the F.D.P. was the GDR officially established; Chairman was the Dessau Bruno Menzel. However, the membership of the party was very low. Own structures could hardly be established. Even the West German FDP gave the former block party LDPD of over 100,000 members, more attention. On 12 February 1990, the F.D.P. entered the GDR prior to the first free parliamentary election in 1990 the coalition Alliance of Free Democrats ( BFD) in. The BFD reached 5.3 % and 21 seats in the People's Chamber.

The parties to the BFD subsequently involved in the last GDR government under Lothar de Maizière. On August 11, 1990, the merger of the FDP, the German Forum Party and the Party of Free Democrats covenant was made ( formed by the merger of the Liberal Democratic Party and NDPD ) with the West German FDP to all-German FDP.
