Galium sylvaticum

Forest - bedstraw ( Galium sylvaticum )

The ordinary forest - bedstraw ( Galium sylvaticum ) is a plant of the family Rubiaceae ( Rubiaceae ).


The forest - bedstraw is a deciduous, perennial herbaceous plant (rarely to 140) achieved the stature heights between 50 and 100 centimeters. The upright, loosely branched, smooth, round stem has sometimes four indistinct longitudinal ribs. The middle, oblong- lanceolate leaves are arranged six to eight in a whorl. The bluish -tired, gray- green leaves about 2-4 cm long and 3-10 mm wide.

The Rispige total inflorescence is loose, spread and branched. The heyday of small white flowers ranges from July to August. The flower buds are often nodding. The carpels are smooth and small - spherical.


The forest - bedstraw is a rhizome - Geophyt or Hemikryptophyt.

Biologically flowers are vormännliche, " nectar leading disk flowers ". Pollinators are flies and beetles; spontaneous self-pollination is possible.

It is spread by ants and probably random spread by deer etc instead. They are well flushed out as rolling fruits from the rain. Fruit ripening is from August to October.


The forest - bedstraw is Central European spread and to find from the lowlands to the middle mountain areas. It grows in deciduous forests and characteristic species of Galio Carpinetum.
