Garcilaso de la Vega (poet)

Garcilaso de la Vega ( * 1503 in Toledo, † October 14, 1536 in Nice, France) was a Spanish general and poet (under the " pseudonym" Garcilaso Vega ).


Garcilaso de la Vega was born the son of Iñigo López de Mendoza, Marquis of Santillana and Fernán Pérez de Guzmán, at about 1501 in Toledo. In 1520 he entered the service of Charles V ( Carlos I of Spain ), became a member of the Royal Guard and fought in the following years in the so-called war of municipalities ( guerra de las Comunidades ), such as in 1522 near city ​​of his birth. Towards the end of the same year he was accompanied by Juan Boscan Almogaver and Pedro Álvarez de Toledo, the future Viceroy of Naples, sent on a misson, which should prevent the fall of Rodes to the Turks, but this failed. On returning to Spain he was appointed Knight of the Order of Santiago. In 1524 he fought during the siege of Fuenterrabía against the French. In the same year he married again in Toledo, Elena de Zúñiga.

He practiced for some time then from the office of the City Council in his hometown. The poet took in 1529 in Rome at the ceremony of imperial dignity to Charles V in part. Shortly before, he had written his will in Barcelona, ​​this made ​​him realize the paternity of an illegitimate daughter and left her a sum of money for their education.

Vega was in 1529 under the Spanish armies that met the imperial army against the Turks. Garcilaso was then, after a short stay in France, in 1531 to witness the wedding of his nephew, the son of his brother Pedro Laso, who was the insurgent an enemy of Charles V. The Emperor, annoyed at the Garcilaso participation in the ceremony, decided whose banishment to an island of the Danube, as the poet describes in your Canción III. Through the intervention of Pedro Álvarez de Toledo, who already was Viceroy of Naples now, in favor of the poet Garcilaso 1532 could leave the island again Danube and settled in Naples. He quickly integrated into the intellectual life of the city and became friends with poets such as Bernardo Tasso or Luigi Tansillo and literary theorists such as Antonio Sebastiano Minturno. In 1533 he visited Barcelona and handed a card "To the great woman Doña Gerónima Baldassare Castiglione de " to Juan Boscan.

Garcilaso de la Vega took part in 1535 at the Tunis expedition of Charles V, where he was severely wounded. The campaign against France in 1536 should be the last use of Garcilaso. The poet and colonel of cavalry was seriously injured in the attack on the fortress in Le Muy. He was the first man on landing and fell into an ambush, who was Charles V apply. Vega died on October 14, 1536 in Nice his injuries. His corpse was his wife converted in 1538 to Toledo.

The poetic life of Garcilaso de la Vega

The poetic life of Garcilaso can be subdivided in accordance with the classic study of homonyms by Rafael Lapesa, in three successive stages: The Castilian stage in which he wrote his octosyllabic poems, the Italian or Petrarchan stage in which he strongly influenced by Francesco Petrarca, the largest share of his sonnets and songs written, and the classic Neapolitan or stage in which he heavily influenced by classical poets of Latin and of his new Neapolitan friends Eligien, epistle, eclogues and odes wrote.


The extant works comprise Vegas

  • Sonnets
  • Five canzoni
  • An epistle
  • 2 Elegies
  • 3 Eclogues, which are the most important on the content and scope

Vega reached in his works the impression of complete simplicity and naturalness, even if you can prove Italian and Latin models to the smallest details of his work.
