
52.65916666666710.12972222222257Koordinaten: 52 ° 39 ' 33 "N, 10 ° 7' 47" O

Garßen is a city in Lower Saxony in the southern Lüneburg Heath and since 1973 the district of Celle. It lies on the northeastern edge of the urban area.


The name evolved from the name Gersnethe ( 1248 ). Historically Garßen belonged to the parish of Great Hehlen. On 1 January 1973 Garßen lost its independence and was incorporated into the town of Celle.

The place is separated by the leading of Celle to Uelzen Eschede and federal highway 191 in an old and a new district. While the new district consists mainly of new homes, can be found in the old part three agricultural farms and a lot of old buildings.


The Ortsrat Garßen has 7 seats (4 CDU, SPD 2 and 1 Independent ). Mayor Andreas Reimchen ( CDU).

Culture and sights

The center of the old district is the St. Mark's Church was built about mid-14th century. Next to the church are the primary school and the Erich Kästner special school. In addition, in Garßen a DRC - kindergarten and a large consumer market, as well as several small craft shops are located.

Garßen is known nationwide by the sports club SV Garßen Celle, who played under the symbol SVG Celle since 1998 in the second handball league of women ( North) and again in 2011 rose to the 1st Handball Bundesliga Women.

Furthermore, there is for some years on the eastern edge of the village on the road to Lachendorf a golf course.
