Gelderland horse

The Gelderlander is a Dutch breed of horse that is used primarily as a carriage horse.

Background information on the evaluation and breeding horses can be found at: exterior, interior and horse breeding.


Gelder are 155-163 cm tall, have a long, strong neck and a straight and dry head. Most are Gelder foxes, but there are also all the other colors except Fallows and Isabel. Gelder usually have a lot of white markings.


The Gelderlander is characterized mainly by a good forehand and a lot of action at the trot.

Breeding history

In the 19th century began in the Dutch province of Gelderland in the breeding of this breed. Stallions of various breeds were crossed with local, native mares. Crossing with Neapolitan, Andalusian, Norfolk Roadster, Hackney, Oldenburg, East Frisia, Holsteiner, Hanoverian, Anglo- Norman and English thoroughbred horses began to grow stronger and temperament. So excellent carriage horses, which were highly appreciated by European royal families originated. Gelder are now registered as breeding direction 'funds Paard ' in the root directory of the derived from Gelder Dutch Warmblood.
