Gerda Boyesen

Gerda Boyesen ( born May 18, 1922 in Bergen, Norway, † December 29, 2005 in London) was the founder of Biodynamic Psychology. The Biodynamics is like Hakomi, bioenergetics, biosynthesis a sense of body psychotherapy.


Gerda Boyesen was born in 1922 in Bergen. In her first marriage she was married to Carl Boyesen. In 1947, she read a book by Wilhelm Reich, that they are very impressed. Shortly thereafter, she began therapy at Ola Raknes, a trained therapist in Vegetotherapy after Empire, later studying psychology in Oslo and the education to become a physiotherapist, followed by work at Aadel Bülow- Hansen. Through their own therapy Boyesen learned the connection between repressed emotions and muscle tensions know. In her book " About the body heal the soul " is well-founded and partly described very personal, as theoretical and methodological approaches of Wilhelm Reich, CG Jung and Sigmund Freud joined together by studying their own therapy experience as well as their own practice and to their own method of therapy evolved.

Gerda Boyesen is the founder of " Biodynamic Psychology and Psychotherapy ," as she called her therapy direction. In 1968 she went to London and opened a practice and later an international teaching and training institute became the first woman in Europe there.

Her books have been translated into several languages. It formed over decades of psychotherapists and developed life-long their concepts and methods and on. She brought three children (Mona Lisa, Ebba and Paul ) to the world that are all connected to the Biodynamics and psychotherapy.


Gerda Boyesen developed was the theory that the degradation of mental stress is also associated with the digestive system. She developed a technique of massage, by stagnating cycles, ie the expression of repressed feelings may be put back on track. This shows itself in the fact that doing similar bowel sounds occur as in the digestion of food, expressions of what it termed psychoperistalsis. This unconscious process of " digestion" of mental health problems often induziere conscious insight into their own situation and facilitates the problem solving. Gerda Boyesen was often called because of their method of colleagues as the " lady with the stethoscope ", which she placed on the belly of their clients for better perception of bowel sounds. It differed a variety of Peristaltikgeräuschen and recovered it for diagnostic conclusions about the unconscious processes of the client. For Gerda Boyesen it was a good sign when the end of a session, the client " psychoperistalsis " in a certain way was active. This meant it solve something and could be re-organize.

In addition to this method of gentle massage she also worked with the Vegetotherapy of Wilhelm Reich and talk with therapeutic bonds with Freud, Jung and others. In this case, the client should be encouraged to explore their own emotional experience ( introspection ability ) to follow his physical and spiritual impulses and express them. Unconscious conflicts would thus brought to light, the consciousness accessible and could then be further processed in psychotherapy and finally resolved.

Another element is the Deep Draining, a special type of massage to be touched for the "deeper layers " to influence solidified physical and mental attitudes. Neurotic patterns are to be tracked down, relaxed, and finally dissolved.

In addition to Jay Stattmann ( Unitive Body-Psychotherapy ), Alexander Lowen ( Bioenergetics ), David Boadella ( biosynthesis ), Ron Kurz ( Hakomi ) is Gerda Boyesen one of the founders of modern body psychotherapies; she is an honorary member of the European Association for Body Psychotherapy ( EABP ) and Honorary President of the Society for Biodynamic Psychology ( GBP eV ), the professional association of biodynamic therapist in Germany. The training for Biodynamic Body Psychotherapy by the European School of Biodynamics and Erogenetik ( ESBPE ) in Lübeck is recognized by the EABP as psychotherapy training. The Gerda Boyesen of practiced and learned in her last decade of life form Biodynamic Psychotherapy ( Biopsychotherapie ) is carried on today by Siegfried Bach as head of the Institute of biodynamics.


Like all body - psychotherapeutic schools is not recognized as scientifically sound treatment method according to the psychotherapy of the health insurance policy and the biodynamics. Nevertheless, advances the scientific research on psychotherapy and has often confirmed subsequently various theories and concepts.

Practiced the Biodynamic Psychotherapy by psychologists, doctors and health practitioners outside of regular health care, ie on a private basis, ie, with self-pay patients. Sometimes physical therapy techniques in psychotherapy and psychosomatic clinics or clinics are offered. Notwithstanding the scientific recognition are the body's therapeutic and especially the gentle biodynamic techniques very popular among patients.

From evidence-based medicine biodynamics is not recognized as a scientific method. So it is, for example, in an assessment by the AOK: "Scientific dispense with notions of " emotional residue ", which are delivered via the gut, the slightest foundation. There are no scientific studies that could prove the effectiveness of therapy. (...) Certainly, anxiety and stress effects on the autonomic nervous system of the gut and show up in a changed digestive activity. But the idea that bowel sounds are an expression of the mental condition of the patient is incomprehensible. "

In a multicenter study, in 2006 the proof be furnished that body psychotherapies, among other biodynamics, can lead to an improvement of symptoms associated with certain disorders such as anxiety, depression, interpersonal problems and psychological -related physical complaints.


  • Gerda Boyesen, Mona Lisa Boyesen: Biodynamic theory and practice. In: Hilarion G. Petzold (eds. ): The new body therapies. Junfermann, Paderborn 1977, ISBN 3-87387-162-9, pp. 140-157.
  • Gerda Boyesen, Mona Lisa Boyesen: Biodynamics of Life: The Gerda Boyesen - method - the basis of biodynamic psychology. Synthesis, Essen, 1987, ISBN 3-922026-16-8, p 183
  • Gerda Boyesen: About the body heal your soul: Biodynamic Psychology and Psychotherapy. 7th edition. Kösel, Munich 1994, ISBN 3-466-34167-1.
  • Gerda Boyesen, Claudia Leudesdorff, Christoph Santner: From the joy of healing. Kösel, Munich 1995, ISBN 3-466-34323-2.
  • Gerda Boyesen, Peter Bergholz: Your belly is smarter than you Miko edition, Hamburg 2003, ISBN 3-935436-13-0.