Giacinto Morera

Giacinto Morera ( born July 18, 1856 in Novara, Italy, † February 8, 1909 in Turin, Italy ) was an Italian engineer and mathematician. He is known for the set of Morera in function theory and for his work on linear elasticity.

Morera, whose father was a wealthy merchant, studied in Turin ( Laurea degree in engineering in 1878 and in Mathematics 1879), in Pavia, Pisa and in Germany. In 1886 he became professor of theoretical mechanics at the University of Genoa, where he remained for fifteen years and even was twice rector after a competition. In 1901, he was the successor to Vito Volterra as a professor at the University of Turin. He died at the age of 52 within a few days of pneumonia.

It dealt mainly with mathematical physics and mechanics, for example, he treated as a continuation of Paolo Pizzetti the attraction of an ellipsoid.

Morera was a member of the Accademia dei Lincei and the Academy in Turin.
