
Giovinezza ( " youth " actually Inno Partito Nazionale del Aurelio Fascista [ PNF ] - "Triumph anthem of the National Fascist Party") was the anthem of the fascist movement in Italy and the fascist regime. From 1922, the year of the "March on Rome ", she was following the actual national anthem of Italy this time, the Marcia Reale to sing.

History and Significance

The Giovinezza comes from a non-political song from 1909 written by Nino Oxilia College Comedy Giovinezza Addio ( Farewell, youth). In this version, the song was initially known under the title " commiato ". The melody came from Giuseppe Blanc. As 1910 Giuseppe Blanc in a training of the Alpini Sciatori ( the ski mountaineers of the Italian army ) in Bardonecchia participated, he intoned the song on the piano. The soldiers liked it so much that they took it over under its own text as Inno degli Sciatori ( skiers anthem ). The song was also in the 1911 fighting in Libya Italian troops in use, and in World War I occurred in the Arditi, an elite division of the Italian army, again under a different text. In this department, many men who later joined the fascist movement fought. Of the Arditi also the " Giovinezza " came to the fascists. For the purposes of PNF of the text by Salvatore Gotta been rewritten.

After 1943, in the short-lived Republic of Salò, a modified version as the sole national anthem in use.

From the version Oxilias the catchy chorus of Giovinezza was unchanged at the Gotta version:

However, the similar-sounding ebbrezza ( thrills, noise ) was often sung instead of asprezza (hardness, deprivation wealth). Another unofficial modification of the choruses, especially as the Arditi they should have used, however, was as follows:

The anthem was, as the fascist movement in Italy itself, a model for other such hymns of similar ideological movements and regimes. It was also broadcast in other languages, eg in German ( where the song was sung under the title " Hitler people " ) and into Spanish, in the form of the song the " Voluntario del Division Azul " ( "volunteer Blue Division " - the " Division Azul "seconded Franco during the Second world War on the German Eastern Front ).

An official since 1932 custom, the party anthem to sing right after the national anthem, leaning later in the Third Reich, the Horst Wessel song and in Austria the song of youth, also were in Franco's Spain after the Marcha Real often the party anthems of the Falange ( Cara al Sol ) and the Carlists ( Marcha de Oriamendi ) sung.

After the armistice of Cassibile in September 1943 the Allies suppressed the song in Italy. At the time, Italy had no national anthem. When Italy became a republic on 12 October 1946 was the first Canzone del Piave, in the following year, Il Canto degli Italiani provisional national anthem ( since November 17, 2005, officially ). The Giovinezza is currently illegal in Italy.


"In Italy they say that if the Reds would have had even a song that would ' have been as good as the fascist anthem, Giovinezza, Italy would become Bolshevik forever. But to the sounds of, International ' no one can fight and sacrifice his life. "
