
Goatwhore (English, Ziegenhure ') is an American Black-/Death-Metal-Band from New Orleans, Louisiana.


The band was founded in 1996/97 under the name Kilgore Sammy Duet (former Acid Bath / Crowbar ) and Zak Nolan as a side project while the band Acid Bath paused. Duet and Noland played a few demo recordings and dedicated Goatwhore after Acid Baths in 1997 due to the loss of bassist Audie Pitre more time. The band took on Ben Falgoust and Pat and brother was taken from Rotten Records.

In 2004 the band signed with Metal Blade Records.

In 2010 it was announced that the title Goatwhore Apocalyptic Havoc in the video game Splatterhouse ( based on the eponymous 1988 ) should be included. 2011 was followed by the announcement of the album Blood for the Master, which was produced as the two previous albums by Erik Rutan.

Music style

The band was based on the debut album, The Eclipse of Ages into Black especially on the black metal pioneers Bathory and Venom, in contrast to the " unrealistic, überorchestrierten musings of Europe's contemporary black metallurgists ". The band's style is compared by William York of Allmusic with the European bands like Bathory, Celtic Frost and Darkthrone and the album called raw and under-produced with little ups and downs and ambient near guitar distortion, which put more on atmosphere than severity. However, the blast beats are reminiscent of grindcore and hardcore punk riffs, and the mid-tempo passages indicate Goatwhores roots in southern rock. As an exception Invert the Virgin reminiscent of hard rock.

On Funeral Dirge for the Rotting Sun, the band tried to darker, less conventional sounds, based on the study of the effect of dark forces; the band it departed stylistically from traditional black metal, their music was so much chaotic, with " more structure, depth and texture ". The reduced pace of pieces such as As the Sun Turns to Ash and Fires of the Judas Blood and her " weird " interplay of voice and guitar reminiscent of Celtic Frost's Into the Pandemonium.John Serba of Allmusic described the album as Satyricon's early works similarly, but Americanized and with transitions in Death Metal and Doom Metal / Sludge at the tempo changes.

On A Haunting Curse, the band still based on traditional Black-/Death-Metal-Bands but still sounds modern, with a spectrum of blast beats on Death Metal Groove in medium tempo, to doom metal bonds. Alex Henderson of Allmusic called Goatwhore in his criticism as " opposite of symphonic Black Metal", the band recall the punk, thrash metal and hardcore roots of Black Metal and also have the American Death Metal, especially the Florida Death Metal, not forgotten.

On Carving out the Eyes of God the Celtic Frost riffs are still of central importance, the style was, however, thrash -heavy, Shadow of a Rising Knife starts with a riff reminiscent of Motörhead. Justin M. Norton of About.com described the style as " dirty and direct" and as a mixture of Celtic Frost, Venom's early works and Motörhead's catchiness as well as a combination of " Crust Punk Jähzorns " of their early works with the slightly technical bonds of A Haunting Curse and musical " stamps " as a result of their tours. Sammy Duet connect riffs à la Tom Warrior with " southern spice ".

Blood for the Master continues the mix of Black, Death and Motorhead influences, the riffs of the first pieces were also compared with Overkill and Sepultura's early works.

While Sammy Duet own words thinks when writing anything, " apart from my Lord and Master Satan", in this case, however, did not want to speak for Ben Falgoust, the latter has indicated that he himself is not bound to any kind of structure and higher at any and lower beings do; he had " a lot of interest in the occult and the dark things in life, but was not a Satanist. He and Duet have different opinions, Duet was the satanic part of the band; he is not harassing Duet because this Satanist is that this was his decision. They complemented each other, Duet never shy Falgousts ideas. Morgan Y. Evans mentioned in a conversation with Mike Gaspar Moonspell, for the band Goatwhore go there when Satanism to rebellion and the search for individual empowerment.


  • 2000: The Eclipse of Ages into Black
  • 2003: Funeral Dirge for the Rotting Sun
  • 2006: A Haunting Curse
  • 2009: Carving out the Eyes of God ( U.S. # 190)
  • 2012: Blood for the Master