
Golubinje (Cyrillic: Голубиње ) is a small town in the municipality of Majdanpek and Bor district in the east of Serbia.

It is located on the right bank of the Danube, near Donji Milanovac and archeological site Lepenski Vir.


The 2002 census (self- nomination) showed that 1079 people live in the village.

More Census:

Sources and notes

Boljetin | Crnajka | Debeli Lug | Donji Milanovac | Golubinje | Jasikovo | Klokočevac | Leskovo | Majdanpek | Miroc | Mosna | Rudna Glava | Topolnica | Vlaole

  • Place in the Opština Majdanpek
  • Place on the Danube