Gomphidius roseus

Rose Red Schmierling ( Gomphidius roseus)

The Rose Red Schmierling ( Gomphidius roseus ) is a species of fungus in the family Schmierling relatives. Due to the often yellow-fleshed stem base, he is also known as Rose Red Gelbfuß, although the second part of the name of the closely related genus Chroogomphus serves as a common name. The species forms a mycorrhizal with pines and parasitizes the mycelium of Cow Röhrlings.

  • 6.1 Literature
  • 6.2 Itemization


Macroscopic characteristics

The hat of the Rose Red lubricating Lings is 2-5 cm wide, hemispherical closed first and later expanded funnel-shaped. The well in damp weather only and not greasy slimy hat skin is pale colored pink to bright rose-red. The run-down on a stick blades are the young mushroom whitish, then pale gray and finally stained grauoliv due to the black-brown spore powder. The white stem is tapered towards the base, and has in the region of the plate approach, a woolly thickened annular zone. The white flesh of the Rose Red lubricating blank is colored at the stem base reddish to yellowish. It has no particular smell or taste.

Microscopic characteristics

The spores are spindle- shaped and measure 16-21 × 4.5-6.5 micrometers. The basidia clavate with four sterigmata are 50-55 microns long and 9-14 microns thick. The cylindrical cheilocystidia measure 100-125 x 10-14 microns, the similarly shaped pleurocystidia are much smaller.


The fungus is due to his hat color is hard to confuse with any other species of its genus. Viewed from above, a certain similarity with red storage Täublingen exist such as the Cherry Red storage Täubling.

Ecology and phenology

The Rose Red Schmierling is a mycorrhizal fungus, which can be found in pine forests on acidic sandy soils and often there is growing between heather. The species is often associated directly with the cow Boletus whose mycelium they parasitized.

The growing singly or gregarious fruiting bodies appear in summer and autumn as from July to October.


The species is widespread in the Holarctic meridional Europe and Asia to boreal. In North America it is not common.


The Rose Red Schmierling is edible.

