
Gravataí on the map of Brazil

Gravataí is a Brazilian city in the southernmost Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul northeast near Porto Alegre.

The city, founded in 1763, which is one of the fastest growing in the country, has (2008) estimated 266 230 inhabitants to 498 km ². It is named after the river Gravataí that identifies similar Bromelienart in the Tupi- Guaraní karagwa'ta, a pineapple, which occurs along the river often.

Gravataí is a good infrastructure. The distance to the Porto Alegre airport is 20 kilometers.

There is a General Motors factory, built the Chevrolet Celta. In addition there are a number of suppliers, including Johnson Controls.

Nearby towns are Novo Hamburgo, Taquara, Glorinha, Viamão, Alvorada, Porto Alegre, Cachoeirinha, Canoas and Sapucaia do Sul.
