Guerrero Municipality, Coahuila

28.309444444444 - 100.37888888889Koordinaten: 28 ° 19 ' N, 100 ° 23' W

The municipality of Guerrero is a municipality in the Mexican state of Coahuila. 2010, the municipality had a population of 2,091 inhabitants. The administrative center of the municipality is the same place Guerrero with 959 inhabitants; other places in the municipality with more than 100 inhabitants are Santa Mónica and Guadalupe.

The municipality has an area of ​​2931.1 km ² and is located on the border with the state of Texas in the United States, which is where the Rio Grande formed (in this area also Río Bravo del Norte). Nachbarmunicipios in the state of Coahuila are Nava, Hidalgo, Juárez and Villa Unión.
