Guido Calza

Guido Calza (* April 21, 1888 in Milan, † April 17, 1946 in Rome ) was an Italian classical archaeologist.


Calza studied at the University of Rome Archaeology at Emanuel Loewy, Orazio Marucchi, Dante Vaglieri and Karl Julius Beloch. After graduating, he worked from 1912 in the Amministrazione Antichità e Belle Arti, first as an inspector since 1924 as a director. He led the Roman excavations in the ancient city of Ostia, on the Forum and on the Palatine. He discovered, among other things, the imperial residences in Ostia ( including the Casa dei Dipinti and the Domus di Giove e Ganimede ), the local military camp from the 4th century BC, the port facility and the cemetery on the Via Lauren Tina from the 2nd century AD

To April 1, 1945 Calza was entrusted with the supervision of the excavations in the Forum and on the Palatine ( Superintendence del Foro e Palatino ). He planned to issue the local finds and monuments in new museums. This plan, however, came by his early death (17 April 1946) is not executed.

Writings (selection )

  • Ostia. Guida storico - monumental. Milan / Rome 1925. Revisions in 1931, 1949, 1955, 1958, 1987. Translations into German, English and French
  • La Necropolis del Porto di Roma Sacra Nell'isola. Rome 1940