Gulf of Finland

Satellite image

Islands and cities

The Gulf of Finland (Finnish Suomenlahti; Estonian Soome Laht; Russian Финский залив; Swedish Finska viken ) is an elongated bay of the Baltic Sea, which extends in an east-west direction on the Newamündung. In the bay is mainly brackish water.

Riparian countries are Finland, Estonia and Russia. The main cities and ports on the Gulf of Finland are St. Petersburg, Helsinki and Tallinn. In the so-called Newabucht of the Gulf is among other things the island Kotlin, on which the Russian fortress of Kronstadt is located.

Other islands are:

  • Seskar
  • Koipsi
  • Osmussaare
  • Kräsuli
  • Naissaar
  • Vaindloo
  • Keri


The Gulf of Finland was swum in July 2008. Within 19 hours and 13 minutes of Este Bruno Nopponen mastered the 55- km stretch between the Finnish port Porkkala and the Estonian coast near Suurupi. The simultaneously launched with it Priit Vehm needed a good three hours longer, the other participants in the record attempt gave up.
