Guy Debord

Guy -Ernest Debord ( born December 28, 1931 in Paris, † 30 November 1994 Bellevue- la -Montagne, Haute -Loire ) was a French author, filmmaker, artist and revolutionary and influential founding member of the Situationist International.

Political position

Guy Debord was a radical critic of capitalism and the capitalist ideology of consumerism, which he denounces as staging "false needs ". In his major work The Society of the Spectacle (1967 ) he developed a theory of the spectacle: " The spectacle is capital to such a degree of accumulation that it becomes an image. "

Debord's book practiced mainly in France an important influence on the movement of the New Left to May 1968 in Paris. His anti-capitalist, situationist view is close to anarchism, but also takes on other reasoning pattern from the part of the workers' movement, which had alone the Soviet Union towards critical of. The central concern Debord was the repeal of the " great divide " of individuals from one another by a revolutionary practice of self-government. Debord always emphasized the artistic dimension of the revolution, the necessity of revolution also of everyday life.

Situationist International

Together with Asger Jorn, Debord founded in the 1950s in Paris, which emerged from the cleavage of Lettrists movement Lettrist International, from 1957, the Situationist International was born. This actually grassroots group Debord took an often-criticized dominance position.

The S.I. - These were ten to forty, over the total time about 70 members - practiced in the 1960s a significant impact on the then student movement. As in Strasbourg in 1966 supporters of the S.I. were elected to the local student council, the SI resisted However, against the approaching worn they may be entitled to assume a leadership role towards the students. Instead, they published a then highly scandalous pamphlet On the Poverty of Student Life. 1972, dissolved the SI, in particular, upon the instigation of Guy Debord, after numerous previous exclusions of the remaining members themselves.

Artistic activity

Debord made ​​several films in which he played with the possibilities of experimental film, where he sometimes miteinbezog the audience reactions and the darkened cinema hall in the demonstration: One of his films, Hurlements en faveur de Sade ( " Howling for de Sade " ), consisted of silence and a minute-long black image on white changed occasionally, in which citations were to hear about youth or revolution, as well as legal texts; the howling presented here the vociferous protests of the outraged audience dar.

Debord developed the 1977 board game Jeu de Guerre ( " war game "); an attempt by the marketing failed. The rights to the game are in Debord's widow.


After 1984 his publisher Gerard Lebovici was assassinated in Paris by an unknown assassin, Debord spent the last ten years in a secluded village in the Auvergne and took there in 1994 after a long illness life.


  • Guy Debord. Un art de la guerre. Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, 2013. Catalog.


About the proletarian revolution wrote Debord: " You can carefree start wherever autonomous proletarian meetings the separation of individuals, merchandise management and the state will abolish by outside themselves recognize neither the authority nor the property of anyone and their will over all laws and all specializations provide. The revolution will only triumph if she persists worldwide, to leave even the smallest area without any remaining form of alienated society. "


  • Hurlements en faveur de Sade (1952 ) 75 ';
  • Critique de la Séparation (1961 ) 19 ';
  • Sur le passage de quelques personnes à travers une assez courte unité de temps (1959 ) 18 ';
  • La Société du Spectacle (1973 ) 80 ';
  • In Girum imus nocte et consumimur igni (1978) 105 '


  • The Society of the Spectacle, Edition Tiamat, Berlin 1996, ISBN 3-923118 -97- X
  • Guy Debord presents Potlatch 1954-1957, Edition Tiamat, Berlin 2002, ISBN 3-89320-043-6
  • Panegyric, Edition Tiamat, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-923118-44-9
  • Report on the Construction of situations and conditions of the organization such action of the Situationist International and other writings, 1980, ISBN 3-921523-33-8
  • In Girum imus nocte et igni consumimur / We wander at night in a circle around and be devoured by the fire, 1985, ISBN 3-923118-75-9
  • Selected Letters 1957-1994, Edition Tiamat, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-89320-152-5