
Harris Tweed, Harris Tweed English, is a form of tweeds, which may only be produced in the Outer Hebrides in Scotland.


The Harris Tweed Act of 1993 defines Harris Tweed as follows:

" Harris Tweed is cloth did HAS BEEN handwoven by the islanders of Lewis, Harris, Uist and Barra in Their homes, using pure virgin wool dyed and spun HAS BEEN did in the Outer Hebrides. "

" Harris Tweed is a fabric made ​​from pure virgin wool that has been dyed and spun in the Outer Hebrides and was hand-woven by inhabitants of the islands of Lewis, Harris, Uist and Barra in their homes. "

Each garment from Harris Tweed is excellent with an authenticity label that bears the hallmark of the Harris tweed, the Orb, an orb.


Tweed has been made ​​since ancient times throughout Scotland. With the Industrial Revolution, weaving by hand was uneconomical, and weaving replaced the loom. Only on the remote Outer Hebrides, which were already known for the quality of their tweeds time, manual manufacturing methods have been retained.

The Tweed industrial-scale production began in the late 19th century and is closely associated with the name of Lady Dunmore, which began at this time to market the Tweed by dealers in England.

When the British Parliament in 1905 the Trade Marks Act adopted, was in fact the Harris Tweed Association Ltd.. created as a central marketing and supervisory body. Harris Tweed in 1910 was recognized as a protected brand and has since been pursuing the Orb and Maltese Cross as a badge.

With the adoption of the Harris Tweed Act, the previous definition of Harris Tweed Act was. The previous Harris Tweed Association Ltd.. became the present-day Harris Tweed Authority and monitors compliance with the law. The Harris Tweed Authority is based in Stornoway in the northern part of the island of Lewis and Harris (Lewis) and not in the southern part of the island Harris.
