Hebeloma crustuliniforme

Tongrauer tear Fälbling ( Hebeloma crustuliniforme )

The Tongraue tears or Tonblasse Fälbling ( Hebeloma crustuliniforme ) is a species of fungus in the family Träuschlingsverwandten.


Macroscopic characteristics

The hat reached a diameter of 3-8 (-11 ) cm, is initially curved with rolled edge and later expanded with a shallow hump and aged partly an opened edge. Its surface is bare, greasy to tacky / slimy and cream to yellow -brown and darker in the middle. The slats are narrow and mingled, finely serrated cutting edges and bulges have grown on a stick. Young and not too dry weather often depend droplets excreted fluid to the cutting, leaving when dried patches of unevenly distributed spore powder. The vollfleischige, sometimes hollow aged stem is 4-7 cm long and 7-14 mm thick with uniform thickness or thickened base. The lower end of the handle opens ÖFT in a white root-like extension. On the surface he is pale or similar to the hat surface colored, without ring structures and busy especially towards the tip with fine flakes. The flesh is thick and white, tastes bitter and radish -like and smells slightly of radish.

Microscopic characteristics

The spores appear in the mass considered (for example, as a spore print ) dull brown. They measure 9-13 × 5.5-7.5 micrometers, are elliptically shaped and have a slightly rough surface. The numerous existing cheilocystidia measure 50-85 × 7-9 micrometers and have a narrow cone shape. There are also links available buckles.


Many other, often toxic or toxic suspicious Fälblinge have similar hat colors and radish odor. The Great Radish similar Fälbling ( Hebeloma sinapizans ) is stronger, bigger and more rare and has a shingled instead of a flocked stem.


He lives in mycorrhizal symbiosis. He is essentially a front among living Californian stone oaks ( Quercus agrifolia ) and conifers ( especially Monterey pine ).


It is widespread in Europe and North America in moderately air-conditioned areas and often, and was introduced in Australia.

Systematics and Taxonomy

It is attributed to the genus Fälblinge ( Hebeloma ). For the splitting of the kind a number of new species has been proposed, which differ in little things in the characteristics of the fruit body, according to genetic research, many of which are not tenable and the separation should be better after ecology and mycorrhizal partners.

The official first description dates back to Jean Baptiste François Bulliard, who has described the way in a 1787 published work. The Style epithet of russet -colored fungus compares it with small, crispy pastries, with cookies (Latin Crustulum ).


He is toxic. Unknown toxins cause severe gastrointestinal disorders with vomiting, colicky abdominal pain and diarrhea hours after ingestion.

