Hellweg Börde

The Hellweg Börden are a landscape and natural spatial main unit on the south ( east ) edge of the Westphalian Bay in North Rhine -Westphalia, which extends along the old Hellweg cities of Dortmund, Unna, Werl, Soest, Geseke and Salzkotten to Paderborn, where the western slope of the Eggegebirge is achieved.

The Hellweg clay belts are characterized by their mighty glacial loess. Its center is the Soester plain but showing no natural spatial unit. In the northern connection to the North Auer countries Oberland and the hair strand of the main unit is allocated. Scenic, historical and economic geography, the Hellweg Börden are neither Sauerland still Munsterland Act. Geographically traffic and hydro geographically Hellweg Börden are characterized by a threefold axial structure in West East direction: through the lip ( lowlands ) as the northern boundary, the Hellweg, including railway lines ( Dortmund-Soest/Hamm-Warburg ) and A 44 as medium transport corridor and through the Haarweg on the hair strand in the far south.

  • 2.1 Upper Hellweg
  • 2.2 Lower Hellweg

Location and boundaries

The Hellweg Börden stretch along the Hellweg on the old trading cities of Dortmund, Unna, Werl, Soest, Geseke and Salzkotten to Paderborn.

Southwest Dortmund ranges foothills of the natural space to Witten ( Ennepe -Ruhr-Kreis ), east of the ( eastern ) Ruhr metropolis in the Unna district, lie north of the county town also Kamen and mountain Kamen as well as some of the eastern, Bonen in the natural area, which stretches south-west of Unna's on Holzwickede to sword range. Here, the two immediately to the Ruhr Valley abutting bays of Witten ( Witten- Hörder well) and sword ( swords loess terraces ) are separated by the basement of Horst Ardeygebirges that, although the right of the Ruhr, already belongs to the Southshore Hills.

Northeast of the city and district of Unna is a (southern ) occupied part of the urban area of Hamm, east of the district Unna large parts of the district of Soest: Werls southwest part of Wickede, north-east of the former town of Werl; northeast of Soest Bad Sass village, to the east ( north to south ) the south of Lippstadt and Erwitte and Anroechte; still further to the east of the north to the south and Rüthens Geseke located in the center of the main unit.

In the district of Paderborn, the landscape finally narrowed toward the northeast over Salzkotten and Paderborn to in the settlement areas of Bad Lippspringe and snakes, where it expires pointed in the interface between the Teutoburg Forest and Eggegebirge.

Orographic limits

In the clockwise direction the valleys of the following rivers limit roughly the Hellweg Börden orographic from the outside ( clockwise, starting in the southeast ):

  • Möhne (eastern South)
  • Ruhr (western South)
  • Emscher headwaters (west)
  • Lip ( North)
  • Alme ( East)

Adjoining the main units

In the West, loess soils of the Hellweg Börden are continued in the natural spatial subunits of the Westenhellweg and, north of the Emscher country. In the north, close up, starting with the Valley of the lip, core and Ostmünsterland to.

In the east, follows behind the Alme Valley of the Paderborn plateau as the western slope Eggegebirge - both parts of the Lower Saxony mountain country.

In the south, close behind the valley of the Ruhr and Mohne to various parts of Southshore mountain country. In the eastern half to Möhne mouth is doing the North Auer countries Oberland, west of the middle of the Niederauer country. The north of the Ruhr located Ardey Mountain Range, which extends into the landscape in the extreme southwest, heard the opposite to the low Bergisch- Märkischen hills.

Trade routes

South parallel to the east runs from west Hellweg, which now houses the B 1 follows, was south of the landscape of the historical Haarweg that branched off in Werl from Hellweg and from here to Bueren the crest of the hair strand followed eastward to the valley of the Alme again zuzufließen the Hellweg towards Paderborn. Today its western course up to and including north of Lake Möhne followed by a section of the B 516

Nature regions

The Hellweg Börden broken down as follows:

  • (Westfälische to 54 Bay ) 542 Hellweg Börden 542.0 Kamen hills 542.00 Derner height
  • 542.01 Kamen mountain heights
  • 542.02 Braamer heights
  • 542.10 Dortmund Hellwegtal
  • 542.11 Kamen plane wave country
  • 542.12 Soest lower flange
  • 542.13 Geseker lower flange
  • 542.14 Marie Loher gravel plain
  • 542.20 Dortmund back ( Dortmund flange )
  • 542.21 Werl - Unnaer Borde
  • 542.22 Soest upper flange
  • 542.23 Geseker upper flange
  • Hair highlights 542.30
  • 542.31 Süder hair

The popular in East-West direction " heartland " of the Hellweg Börden represents the Soester Plain, which was eponymous for the main unit. While the term " Soester Plain " has always stood for a certain fertile countryside, the generalized term Hellweg Börden has been spread in the 1950s, long before the establishment of the manual nature of the spatial structure of Germany. In previous works on geography and not least in older textbooks, there is instead the name " Soester Plain ", but now these obsolete term use is historically misleading.

In geographical terms, the actual natural spatial subdivision in south-north direction. In this follow within the Hellweg Börden the standalone as ridge and south to the valleys of the Mohne and Ruhr -reaching hair strand, further north then the abdachenden immediately to the north, somewhat steeper sloping to the north of Upper Börden and finally the flat -wave sub Börden another until finally the valley the lip is achieved in the north and thus the adjacent main units core and Ostmünsterland.

Between the two main landscapes Upper and Lower Hellweg, a little to the south in the upper, the Hellweg.

Upper Hellweg

With Upper Hellweg, also called Upper Börden, the southern, somewhat steeper sloping to the south part of the heartland of the Hellweg Börden is called. It extends in a south-north direction from the hair strand to the lower clay belts of the Lower Hellweg (see a section below), the Hellweg border just to the north.

On the northern edge of the Upper Hellweg are the inner cities of Dortmund, Unna, Werl, Soest, Geseke Salzkotten and Paderborn.

From the central area of the upper flange at Soest Soest starting to take Lössmächtigkeit and fertility to the east to Geseker upper flange from at Geseke. This is accompanied by a continental climate expectant.

To the west falls from the center on first, that the landscape is about Werl to Unna to Werl - Unnaer flare narrowed down significantly, which, at constant altitude differences, to a steeper slope of the terrain leads to the north. However, the fertility of the soil is largely maintained.

The extreme west of the landscape, the Dortmund back, differs phenotypically significantly from the more eastern parts of the upper Börden from what suggests the naming. By gently undulating Witten- Hörder trough in the south of the ridge due, which separates the hair strand lengthening Ardey Mountains to the south, it receives the character of an independent ridge. This is further encouraged that the Dortmund Hellwegtal that connects directly to the north in the sub Börden, has a strong Talsenkencharakter. West of the ridge eventually ends up in the inner city; in the south and west it is circled by the Emscher.

Lower Hellweg

With Lower Hellweg, also called sub ​​Börden, the north of the Hellweg location, flachwelligere part of the Hellweg Börden is called. He joins just north of the upper clay belts of the Upper Hellweg (see a section above); its eastern parts range to the north down to the valley of the lip.

The transition from the central Soest lower flange to the east Geseker subsequent sub- flare occurs comparatively inconspicuous. Both sub Börden flat rather gradually to north and are segmented by the valleys of the coming of hair strand and upper Börden streams in the south.

It is somewhat different from west of the center: The Kamen plane wave country that extended the Soest lower flange to the west, passes all coming from the top Börden brooks first over the Seseke west to the heartland of the north subsequent Kamen hill country around, west of which the lip flows then bundled her water at Lünen. To the west, the flat shaft country runs in the Derner height, an isolated western foothills of the Kamen hill country in the north of Dortmund, from.

West Lünerns, a north-eastern district of Unna, finally the transverse to the tributary streams of the Seseke and its tributary stream granulation creek running Dortmunder Hellwegtal pushes eastward between the Dortmund back in the south and the Kamen plane wave in the north country.

All in all, in the west to the northwest of the Hellweg Börden in Dortmund back, Derner height and the core area of ​​Kamen heights equal to three while gently undulating and less prominent, but orographic separate mountain ranges, which are separated from each other by Kamen plane wave country and Dortmund Hellwegtal.


The Hellweg Börden among the essential service areas of the lapwing. Here can be found on migration periods occasionally more than 20,000 lapwings.


As early as the Stone Age ( around 4000 BC ) were grown here on the fertile calcareous soil grains. The oldest trace of a Neolithic culture is the discovery of a shard of La - Hoguette group, which dates from the middle of the 6th millennium BC.
