Hemigrammus bleheri

Bleher Rummy ( Hemigrammus bleheri )

Bleher Rummy ( Hemigrammus bleheri ) is a fish of the family of the Real tetras. He lives in the black water of the Rio Vaupes and the Rio Meta in Colombia and in the Rio Negro in northwestern Brazil. The species was named after Heiko Bleher, a famous ichthyologist.


He has served as schooling fish a characteristic signal-colored drawing with a red head and a black and white banded tail. It is believed that this pattern serves to notify changes of direction of the swarm in the murky water. He shares this with the colors Rotmaulsalmler ( Hemigrammus rhodostomus ) from the lower Amazon and the Rummy ( Petitiella georgiae ), who lives in white water rivers. Bleher Rummy is slim and is 3.5 to 4.5 inches long. Like all species of the genus Hemigrammus he spawns freely between delicate aquatic plants.

Hunting and

Bleher Rummy is a very joyful swimming fish, for keeping water is recommended with the following water parameters:

  • A total hardness of 2 ° to 8 ° GCH
  • A carbonate hardness of 2 ° to 6 °
  • A temperature of 25 ° to 27 ° C.

It is good to socialize with other tetras and dwarf cichlids. It adopts dry food, but also for the successful entertainment live food or frozen food should be given. Bleher Rummy is one of the few Salmlerarten that move in a shoal in the aquarium. The tank should have a minimum size of 80 cm.

Pictures of Hemigrammus bleheri
