Henry Augustus Lukeman

Henry Augustus Lukeman ( born January 28, 1871 in Richmond, Virginia; † April 3, 1935 in New York City, New York ) was an American sculptor, specializing in historical monuments.


Augustus Lukeman studied with Launt Thompson and Daniel Chester French in New York City and at the École nationale supérieure des beaux -arts de Paris by Alexandre Falguière. He consulted with his French Statue The Republic for the exhibition in Chicago and later worked as his assistant in New York. The initially commissioned sculptor Gutzon Borglum had by internal strife in 1925, work on the Stone Mountain, the largest massive block of granite in North America set. In its place Lukeman took over the job, but after three years, the project was discontinued and not completed until 1970 under the direction of Walker Hancock.

Pictures of Henry Augustus Lukeman
