Henry FitzRoy, 1st Duke of Grafton

Henry Palmer was the son of King Charles II and his mistress Barbara Palmer née Villiers, later Duchess of Cleveland. He was recognized by his father in 1672, named Henry FitzRoy Earl of Euston and raised to 1675 to the Duke of Grafton.

Entered the Royal Navy, he was in 1683 appointed Vice Admiral. After the accession of James II in 1685, where he acted as Lord High Constable, to FitzRoy behaved despite the favoring of Catholics in the Army and Navy by James II, with the FitzRoy did not agree, loyal to the new king. He commanded the troops in the south west of England during the rebellion of James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth.

When James II, however, in 1688 the post of Vice - Admiral abolished and George Legge, Earl of Dartmouth, as commander of the fleet began, which was to defend England against the expected invasion by William of Orange, FitzRoy was launched on November 24, 1688 by John Churchill, the future Duke of Marlborough to William about. 1690 he took part in the expedition of Marlborough to Ireland and fell in the storming of Cork on October 7, year 1690.
