Héribrand II of Hierges

Heri Fire III. of Hierges († 1114 ) was a Crusader, Lord of Hierges and Castellan of Bouillon.

Heri fire was the son and heir of Heri Fire II of Hierges, Castellan of Bouillon, and his wife Hedwig of Orchimont.

Hierges belonged to the French county of Champagne, while Bouillon part of the German duchy of Lower Lorraine. Heribrant lord of Bouillon was Duke Godfrey of Bouillon.

He was married to Hodierna († 1118), daughter of Count Hugh I of Rethel. Hodierna was a sister of Baldwin Bourcq, who was Count of Edessa in 1100 and 1118 King of Jerusalem.

Together with his brother Baldwin he took in the army of Godfrey in the First Crusade ( 1096-1099 ). The chronicler Albert of Aachen mentioned him by name at the siege of Nicaea 1097th

With Hodernia he had a son, Manasseh of Hierges († 1176 ). This was from 1140 to 1152 in the Holy Land, where he made as constable of Jerusalem career.
