
Epiblema uddmanniana

Heteroneura is a taxon of butterflies (Lepidoptera ) from the subordination Glossata. It covers more than 99 % of all known species of butterfly and is the sister taxon of Exoporia.


The monophyly is justified by the following autapomorphies: The wing veins Sc and R of hind wings are already grown shortly after the wing base, the Rs vein is undivided. The males have a composite of several bristles " connected " frenulum. The Jugum the forewing is regressed and only shows something about the wing outline out. The dorsal arm of the tentorium is much reduced form at the Imagines. The back of the prothorax bears the central sclerotisation behind the paired "Main warts " and the bridge between the hips ( coxae ) of the front legs is formed. The mesosternum has a delimited by the seam transverse furrow ( " Mesoclidium "), which is fused with the Prospina. It formed two separate front introductions for Mesofurco - Metafurca muscles. The arm of the Metaprescutum and the first sternum on the abdomen are covered.

The embryonic development shows the "fault -type" training of amnion and serosa. The cotyledon is dipped in egg yolk, and a temporary epithelial membrane which is formed by the outer Eigelb-Kerne/Vitellophagen missing.

The above autapomorphies justified by Kristensen ( 2003), the monophyly of the taxon, although similar genital structures are formed in the females of Exoporia and Ditrysia. These seem to have, however, formed by convergence. Also the lack of muscles and provided with hooks wreaths abdominal legs in the caterpillars of the Nepticuloidea is justified by a presumed evolution due to the endophagen life.


Phylogenetic relationships within the Heteroneura are not yet fully explored and there are currently several different approaches to this before. It is also unclear whether the Ditrysia and the remaining superfamilies form as Monotrysia sister groups. Molecular genetic studies suggest at least that the Ditrysia including Tischerioidea form a monophyletic group. The subtaxa the Heteroneura be listed for this reason only:

  • Superfamily Nepticuloidea
  • Superfamily Incurvarioidea
  • Superfamily Palaephatoidea
  • Superfamily Tischerioidea
  • Superfamily Simaethistoidea
  • Remaining superfamilies: Ditrysia

