Hiram (Ohio)

Portage County


Hiram is a municipality (village ) in Portage County in the U.S. state of Ohio. In 2000, Hiram had 1242 inhabitants.

  • 4.1 Sons and daughters of the town
  • 4.2 personalities who have worked on site


Hiram is located in northeastern Ohio. According to United States Census Bureau, the total area of ​​2.4 km ² land area.


ACCORDING census of 2000, there were 1242 people in 234 households and 148 families in the community. The population density was 517.5 per km ². There were 249 housing units at an average density of 103.8 per km ². Here lived 91.2 % White, 5.4% African American, 1.4 % Asian, 0.4% other races, and 1.5% persons with two or more origins. Hispanics and Latinos accounted for a share of 1.6 % of the population.

13.0 % were under 18 years old, 39.5% were 18-20, 43.1% were 21-61, 0.7 % were aged between 62 and 64 and 3.7% were 65 years or older. The median age was 20.8 years.

The median income for a household in Hiram is $ 45,417. The value relative to the entire United States is $ 41,994.

Economy and infrastructure


At the local private college, Hiram College, aspire 1334 students at their first university degree. It was founded in 1850 as the Western Reserve Eclectic Institute.


Sons and daughters of the town

Personalities who have worked on site

The following persons have at Hiram College or its predecessor, the Western Reserve Eclectic Institute, studied or taught:
