
Skeletal reconstruction of Hypsilophodon

  • Europe
  • North America
  • Hypsilophodon foxii

Hypsilophodon ( " tooth with high ridges " ) was a herbivorous dinosaur bird Beck from the group of Hypsilophodontidae. He was about 1.4 to 2.3 m long, had strong legs and well-trained arms. The tail took one half of the body length. On his back ran two rows of bony prominences.

The animal lived on the ground - earlier assumptions that it lived on trees have been discarded. Hypsilophodon was probably a fast runner.

Fossils of this dinosaur are from approximately 131-123 million years old deposits ( Barremian to early Aptian ) from Europe and western North America. Especially many finds are known from the Isle of Wight. Probably Hypsilophodon was a herd animal, as a mass discovery was discovered 24 skeletons.
