
Ignorance, ignorance ( and ignorance or lack of knowledge ), or failure is characterized by the fact that a person something - possibly deliberately - does not know, does not want to know or ignored ( disregarded ).


The word ignorance is occupied in German since the 16th century and comes etymologically from the Latin noun ignorantia = ignorance. Ignore the verb was from Latin ignorare = " do not know ", " do not want to know " borrowed, which is in ablaut to ignarus (< in - gnarus ) " ignorant " and " knowledgeable one thing " to gnarus =. Furthermore count the words for word family from Latin noscere = " recognize, become acquainted ." Ignorance or disregard, therefore means that a person of a thing is ignorant or deliberately do not want to deal with this.

Term variations

The verb referred to ignore both the conscious and the unconscious, do take note (want ) a state of affairs, a task, or social development of a person. In use, the verb does not necessarily negative connotation. Even in the case of deliberate ignorance, it is conceivable that the person who is ignorant, for it has good and understandable reasons. For this purpose - as an example - a quote from the novel The Visit of the Royal Physician by Per Olov Enquist:

" King Christian VII dressed in a gray coat and believed he would not be recognized; that two soldiers constantly followed him at a distance, even now, he ignored them. "

The term ignoramus for a person that does not take anything informed or deliberately does not want to take note of, is in the German language practice a charge that has so unlike the verb ignore a negative connotation. An ignoramus is someone who does not strive for knowledge, insight and perception, and therefore (intentionally ) ignorant remains. The word can be regarded as an insult or as an insult.

In rational ignorance someone consciously decides not to deal with an issue and undertakes someone else to deal with it. It is the renunciation of interference in individual (political ) transactions in a body because it is not possible for individuals, deepens with every business deal. Rational ignorance is a form of voluntary uncertainty, and therefore it is the opposite of certainty.

In the Prussian law existed a so-called Ignoranzeid ( Jusjurandum lgnorantiae ). He introduced especially in trade and exchange law, the sworn insurance a person is that they knew nothing of an alleged fact ( see also Eid ).

Term development

Ignorance is now often used in English as a reproach to a person of disinterest and ignorance is assumed up to stupidity. As opposed to tolerance is ignorance as the inability or unwillingness to express acceptance.

Among the French existentialists ignorance was considered the refusal to be affected by the being to feel, knowledge and education was seen as a way out.

In an information society, the term ignorance takes on a new meaning by comprehensively characterizes the range of ignorance and is compared with the range of knowledge. Thus, the current view of the ignorance of individuals dissolves. The current development can go towards a collective term. In this context differs Hans Rott, a philosopher at the University of Regensburg, two forms:

  • Ignorance as a disposition: This is a general predisposition not to want to know possible knowledge.
  • Ignorance as Episode: This form is temporary and thinks particularistic incidents of non-knowledge that something is the case.