Institut national des sciences Appliquées de Lyon

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Institut National des Sciences de Appliquées Lyon (National Institute of Applied Sciences ) is a French Grande école scientific, which is located on the La Doua campus in Villeurbanne in the area of Lyon. It belongs to the network Institut National des Sciences Appliquées and is angliedert at the University of Lyon. It was founded in 1957.

The course consists of two cycles:

  • The first cycle provides a general basic education in natural sciences.
  • The second cycle provides a specialized education in 12 different fields.

First cycle

The first cycle serves as a preparatory course for specialized second cycle. The curriculum is similar to the classes préparatoires: the study focused on basics of natural sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanics and computer science ).

Second cycle

The standard period of study of the second cycle is 3 years. The students have a choice between 12 faculties ( departments):

  • Department of Biology ( BioSciences ); Study of biochemistry and biotechnology ( Biochimie et Biotechnologies - BB);
  • Study in Bioinformatics and Modeling ( Bioinformatique et Modélisation - BIM );