International Centre for Theoretical Physics

The International Centre for Theoretical Physics ( ICTP ) (German International Centre for Theoretical Physics ) is a research institute for Theoretical Physics, the Park of Miramare Castle, about 10 km from Trieste, located on the Adriatic coast of Italy.

The ICTP was founded in 1964 by the Nobel Laureate in Physics Abdus Salam. It is jointly organized by the Italian government and two United Nations agencies, UNESCO and the IAEA supported.

It has set itself the task of promoting cutting-edge research in the fields of theoretical physics and mathematics, especially in the third world countries and with developed countries to provide a forum for scientific exchange of these countries. Each year there are about 5,000 scientists from around the world to research trips and conferences guest at ICTP.

The Institute awards each year on August 8 ( the birthday of Paul AM Dirac ) the Dirac Medal ( ICTP ), an award for outstanding achievements in the fields of theoretical physics and mathematics.
