Jack E. Cox

Jack Cox (also: Jack E. Cox, John Cox, John J. Cox, born July 26, 1890 in London, Fulham, † 29 July 1960, Surrey ) was a British cinematographer who primarily for his work on Alfred Hitchcock was known early works.


Cox came in 1910 for the film as an errand boy at the production company Gaumont British. At the beginning of the 20s he became chief cameraman of the Stoll Co. and initially worked on some productions ( comedy, adventure stories, romantic melodramas ) by the director Maurice Elvey.

1927 Cox Hitchcock learned to know and photographed throughout his films until 1932 After some rather weak entertainment products in different genres brought him Hitchcock 1937 one last time to himself. Secret agents for the thriller " The Lady Vanishes ".

It was followed towards the end of the war several camera technically challenging, immensely popular at the cinema audience film romances and adventure stories that he photographed in the 40s for the then highly successful Gainsborough Pictures. His career ended with Cox six comedies directed by John Paddy Carstairs in the years 1954 to 1958.

Filmography (selection)
