Jaime Luiz Coelho

Jaime Luiz Coelho ( born July 26, 1916 in Franca, Brazil, † August 5, 2013 in Maringá ) was Archbishop of Maringá.

Life and work

Jaime Luiz Coelho received on 7 December 1941, the ordination. In 1944 he was pastor at the cathedral in Curitiba and Secretary General of the diocese.

Pope Pius XII. appointed him on 3 December 1956 to the bishop of the newly erected Diocese of Maringá. The Apostolic Nuncio to Brazil Armando Lombardi gave him on January 20th of the next year, the episcopal ordination; Were co-consecrators Luis do Amaral Mousinho, Bishop of Ribeirão Preto, and Manoel da Silveira d' Elboux, Archbishop of Curitiba. On March 24 of that year he was introduced formally into office. With the support of Pope John XXIII. he tried to improve the living conditions in the favelas. In 1962 he founded the seminary Arquidiocesano Nossa Senhora da Glória.

Jaime Luiz Coelho was 1972, the Catedral de Maringá build one of the largest churches in Latin America. He was also founder of the Faculdade de Ciências Estadual ECONOMICAS, Universidade Estadual from the 1970 de Maringá ( UEM ) was born. He founded the broadcaster TV 3 ° and the Milenio newspaper Folha do Norte do Paraná.

Pope John Paul II elevated with the Bull Quamquam munus est on 16 October 1979, the bishopric to an archbishopric and thus Coelho became the first Archbishop of Maringá, which was introduced formally into office on January 20th of the next year. On 7 May 1997, Pope John Paul II accepted his resignation age-related. Coelho died in August 2013, shortly after his 97th birthday.
