Jakovlje (Aleksinac)

Partial view of Jakovlje

Jakovlje (Cyrillic: Јаковље ) is a village in eastern Serbia. The village name is derived from the Serbian name Jakov.

Geography and population

The village lies in the Opština Aleksinac in Nišavski okrug in the east to 305 meters above sea level. Jakovlje had in the census of 2011 267 inhabitants, while there were 352 in 2002. After the last three population statistics, the population continues to fall.

The population of Jakovlje represent 97% of Serbian Orthodox Serbs. In addition, 11 Roma live in the place that corresponds to 3 % of the population. The village consists of 109 households.

Jakovlje is located southwest of the capital town Aleksinac. Near the mountain Jastrebac, who is also developed for tourism lies.

The village is surrounded by forests and mountains, not far from neighboring villages Radevce, Loznac, Kamenica and Ljupten away.



In Jakovlje is the Serbian Orthodox Church of the Assumption nativity church. The church belongs to the Eparchy of Niš, the Serbian Orthodox Church.


  • Place in Okrug Nis
  • Opština Aleksinac